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English Corner~

How To Study...?

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How To Study

By Inky - From Martin Rhodes
Basic Study Program

My dearest readest,
Before you start your study, you must know the basic study process. The process to follow for quick and lasting result in your studies is, (a) read; (b) write out from memory; (c) read again to check what you wrote. Reading is slow when that process is followed, but the test ultimately is not how much you read but how much you understand and remember, how much you can apply correctly to problems that have to be solved.

Then , after you have done that process, make continual use of self-testing. Never accept the belief that you know something without putting i to the text. It is easy to go over the few points in your mind and persuade yourselves that you have learned them, but when you come to write them down they can seem elusive. You often find that what you thougt you knew well is after all only vaguely understood. Writing down is the supreme test of accuracy and detail.

Mastering Fatigue
Thinking is hard work and lead to brain fatigue. To avoid it, study actively, writing down what you are learning in the manner described. Introduce variety into your studies by changing the subject or the activity faily frequently. Use your imagination to bring your studies to life and to relate them to the real world. All those techinques will help overcome faitgue, giving you both the energy and the incentive to carry on studying ofr long sessions.

Brain Map
Try to make Brain Map or "Peta Minda". Brain map is a method to put all fact in a chapter on a paper. After you have read a chapter, put the title of it ini the middle of teh paper. Then, write the main points of the chapter around the title with the compilement and mark them with number. After taht, make a brief important facts in each main pints and put it down in their point themselvers. By using your creativity, decorate you brain map with arrow, shape of articles or anything as well as you pleased.

By this method, it will help you to avoid difficulty to read the entire chapter for revision. It is enough by looking dwn he brain map and repeat all facts with compilement. Besides, it will increase your memorizement. But beware, you must read that chapter with the deepest understanding and concentration, if not, you brain map will nt give you anything....

How To Study

By Inky - From Martin Rhodes

Using Your Pencil
Using your pencil is one mehod to have a great effect from your reading. making useful pencil marks in the book as you read is an art in itself. It hould be confined to books you own as it is unpardonable to write in books from the library or belonging to friends.

To make your pencil markings really valuable yo you, you must be quite clear is you mind what purpose they are meant to serve. These can be identified as three fold.

First, marking the book that you read helps you concentrate. It turns the passive act of reading into an active one, and in so doing makes it easier for you to keep your mind focussed on the material before you.

Next, marking significant pasages or facts can provide an aid to understanding when you are reading a difficult passage. The process of underlining key sentences draws your attention to them, keeps you alert to watch for them and greatly assists comprehension, so that you can learn more on one reading than minght otherwise be possible on several.

Thirdly, your marks in the book should aid ou when you return to the book at a later date to review what you learned or to fine information on a particular topic. To make your pencil marking more valuable for that purpose it is sometimes useful to write in capital on each page them main topics dealt with there.

Keep these three purpose in mind, make your pencil markings sparingly and you will find the method of tremendous benefit.

Reading In The Right Order
I is not alwys best to read a book straight through in the order it is printed Often a glace through the entire book is a helpful start, with browse through the index if one is provided.

If the author has helpfully provided summaries, perhaps at the end of each chapter, read this first as they will give you an excellent guide to what to expect by providing you wiht advance warning of issues the author consider important.

When the book has an intro duction, that is often best read last. Sometimes the introduction conveys little to you until you know the contents of the book, so you can best deal with it between the first and second readings rather tahn at the beginning.

The Malay Students' Weakness In Arabic

Written by : Abou Ali (View point)

Today, most Malay students in Azhar University cannot speak standard Arabic very well. Their weakness in Arabic is a shame to us. They, being graduate students from Middle Eastern universitiees. do not speak good Arabic and yet they are going to become Tok Gurus in Malaysia. Isn't it a let-down to all of us? We usually hear many complaints from our pundits from the different institutions in Malaysia. Most Azhar graduates cannot speak and write Arabic properly. Even the holders of B.A. Hons in Arabic Literature cannot read Arabic phrases properly. What is really wrong with Azhar students?

I want to tell you about an important matter which was discussed widely last week. My consultant and I had discussed neterestng topics of Arabic study and how spoken Arabic an be improved, relating to speeh and coummnunications amongst students. The result of our discussion shows that there are problems facing students. Since my arrival here, I had come to learn the real problems, relating to language, besetting the students.

One of the problems is a negative attitude towards Egyptions. The Egyptian behaviour disinterests them to speak rabic, All Egyptions speak local language (colloqual Arabic) and do not attempt to speak standard Arabic even with foreigners. Perhaps, teh Egyptians cannot speak standard Arabic. What is the use of their arrival here if they don't want to interact with local society? But this problem can be solved by speaking the languange among their friends. The improtant matter is they must change their attitude and don't be ashamed to practicse the languge although they may encounter some difficulties. Also, every ony must encourage his friend to speak Arabic properly and don't laugh aloud at him for his mistake.

How To Spend Your Summer Holidays?

Written by : Abou Ali

In this issue, we are merely going to present some of the points which are interesting to discuss. Most of us had finished our final exams since one month ago. As you all know, anyone who is facing exams must be ready and work hard for it. Therefore, he can answer any question in the exams easily and properly. So he uses his time completely for his studies untill the exams are over. After that, he gets his rest as mush as possible. So how can someone spend his summer holidays beneficially? This period is too long for a rest and sleep! As the saying goes, time is money. It means that one who spends his time properly, he gets a lot of profits exactly like a businessman getting money every seconds. So, how to do it?

Before we go further, we must remember that our days in Egypt are numbered. Why do I say that? Because we have only 3-4 months summer holiday. No one knows what the future beholds him. So, don't waste your time in entertainment so much. The people say, laugh and the world laughs with you, Weep, and you weep alone. This is a valuble chance for us to follow any jobs or activities which are planned previously. Here, in Cairo, there are al ot of activities arranged by student associations or hostel foundations. The student leaders have arranged educational programmes such as Arabic course, translation course, computer and software course etc. These golden opportunities are very useful for someone who is interested in them. The clever student is one who does not waste his time in games only.

And on he other hand, one can follow external courses. Supposed that you are weak in Arabic, don't be doubtful to improve your language by selfstudy or follwing the apporpirate course. It is very necessary to someone to improve his Arabic language as well as possible. After all that hard work, facts would be forgotten as soon as the exam is over. That means whatever you memorized and other facts would be forgotten without any benefit for your future. so you have to maintain your facts by reading more and more books. If you are interested improve English or another foreighn language, don't be ashamed to study it. There are many educaiton institutions isn Egypt for you to do it. Perhaps, you don't have the time to study these subjects after returning to our homeland.....

Why Our Students Get Married During Their Studies?

Written by : Abou Ali

Most of our students in Cairo are getting married early this summer holiday. This phenomenon has been spread among them recently. The wedding celebrations might be held in Cairo or their parents home in their homeland. Most of them may even decide to get married as soon as possible. Some of them are going to marry when they have graduated from their studies. However, there are also many students who stay unmarried during their studies here. Perhaps, they do not think aobut marriange now but only after they have finised studies and got appropriate jobs.

Indeed, tho topic of marriage is very sensitive to our students. Some of them are enthusiastic to spread this thought among them which encourages one another to get married early. To them, Azhar students must not delay their marriage because both Egyptian society and external circumstances have shaken their minds. How can someone study when marriage thought interrupts his concentration on memorizing facts or reding books? By marrying, they can save themselves form mentality pressures and concentrate upon their studies. And marriage teaches someone how to become matured in a way of thought because he begins learn the responsibility of a husband or a father. What more? He will get experience more thatn unmarried man to sove problems and to guide his society.

In my discussion with some of them, there is a wide range of viewpoints, but one theme echoed consistently throughout: Any one who gets acquaintance with his beloved and agrees to live together, must arrange quickly his marriage. In fact, this is required by our religion ! "We are forbidden to delay marriage if we have found the right partner!!" said others enthusiastically. So, don't be suprised if you hear the existence of someone who whorks s a to to arrage marriages for others. This will give the chace for teh candidate to make a proper choice.

Otherwise, some students do not agree the idea of quick marriage. Responsibility of husband or father is too big to perform because as students, they have many work to do to realise their success in the examinations. What for do we get married early? Also, most of their thougths are still immatured to think about marriage tasks. They may not be skilful to arrange an ideal life. And this matter is not for one or two years, but for a life long companionship. As you all know, a student's thougt and an employee's are very different. Of course, the employee knows widely about life nessity because he learns how to work hard to support himself and his wife. But, the student is staying on his studies and only facing his books, nothing else. Also, his study and life costs are supported by his family or Education Department... Therefore, he is still not matured to face heavy problems.

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